Friday, November 9, 2012

Comment Blog (Week 6)

Comment to Sonia Tran's Blog:

Hi there, your blog was certainly entertaining and enlightening to read.
However i believe that the bumps on the side of the structures that you describe may be more than for hobos but also for civilians who skate board along the side walks and would grinding with their boards on the side. The bumps would prevent any grinding action which would deface the surface of the building and hence lower the value of the building. this can also be applied to the carceral enclave in that it prohibits certain civilians from preventing certain acts that are damaging to the building. This isn't to say that the city of Los Angeles is against skate boarders in general, it is just saying that the building doesn't want to be defaced by skate boarders.

And as a resident of downtown, i can confirm with what you saw. The bright lights and lively atmosphere at one end of downtown makes the whole city glow, while the area that is populated by unhoused people seem to darken the mood and even make you feel insecure. However i am surprised to hear about the Hispanic shops because i thought that would be more in the Vermont district of downtown closer to USC. I would like to point out the shops are barred close or closed with metal garage door. this is not something I've seen in my home or even in Westwood, however they are made like this because crime must be frequent in this area and at night, there must be low police patrol and  a high number of criminals. Glass doors wouln't stop a criminal from breaking into your store but a metal garage door would.

I really enjoyed your blog and hope to see more in the future!

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