Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comment Post (Week 3)

For this week, I will provide analysis and comments on this post by a fellow classmate.

I found his post really interesting because i have always driven across LA and never once used a bike as my form of transportation. The way he describes his experience sounded really relaxing and fun.. unlike the automobile commuter's experience.

The Ciclavia event was something I have heard about from my cousin, who lives in downtown LA at the Medici. and I think it's pretty nifty that a wide culture of people would come together for a bike route. This just shows the large amount of culture we have in LA and that people would unite for a good cause. This is as how the professor describes is the beginning of cities. Centralization through one idea or another is the fundamental start to a city in the past before the post modern metropolis. I believe the event is also a social event for people to get to know fellow cyclists and road sharers.

I wonder what other events would cause people to get together and then i realize protests are also a good example of people uniting under a good cause. Whether it be to protest UC tuition prices or even for union rights and better wages, people have come together for a while now and combined their beliefs to make their presence be known and their demands to be heard.

Perhaps I will indulge in this event in the future =]

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